Sports & Yoga


At R.P.S Public School, Sports training is imparted to the students in order to inculcate in them a feeling of sportsman spirit, team spirit, self-discipline, and a spirit of general well-being. Every student participates in a sports activity of his/her choice. A well-defined syllabus for each sport of their choice enables them to pursue with interest, the game of their liking.

A competitive spirit is coupled with self-discipline and sound health, form the motto of our Sports Activities. Inter-Class, Inter-House, and Inter-School Competitions are organized on regular basis to inculcate a healthy competitive spirit. Sports events like athletics, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, taekwondo, gymnasium tactics, cricket are an integral part of the sports curriculum of the school.

Many R.P.S Public School sportspersons participate in championships on District and even State levels, the exposure to which enables them to enhance their skills and confidence. Outstanding students get a chance by selection from these tournaments to represent ‘India’ in the National Team.

Inter-house championships help to generate camaraderie between students, a sense of competitiveness, brotherhood, discipline, positive attitude, and very importantly, the fact that losing is as significant as winning. Inter-School events are powerful instruments of exposure for students at individual and team levels of different ages.

The school is constantly committed to providing excellent opportunities and state-of-the-art infrastructure to our students and preparing them to make meaningful contributions in an increasingly global society. A multi-purpose court has recently been constructed with a basketball, tennis court, and stage.


Yoga helps children see the beauty and light within themselves, thereby boosting their self-confidence allowing them to feel more comfortable with their bodies, and helping them get in touch with who they are inside. A child who learns yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation will be developing essential skills for a lifetime of health and wellness in mind, body, and spirit.