About School

R.P.S is a recognized Co-educational Sr. Sec. school that has been affiliated to CBSE up to XII with Science and Commerce streams. An institution meticulously planned by leading luminaries single-mindedly focuses on three basic values – Integrity, Truth, and Learning. Hence every initiative and effort is directed towards building these values allowing the young minds to continually and effortlessly imbibe these for an overall, responsible, and dynamic personality development.

R.P.S facilitates the creation, conceptualization, and formation of ideas thereby refining the intrinsic abilities of the child and shaping beautiful minds-reinventing the child from a mere thinking machine to a sublime human being with a firm footing in its unshakable principles and unassailable morals.

The aim of education today is to empower the students by harnessing individual skills according to their potential. At R.P.S, we identify talent, train and hone their skills, and lead them to be a winner in the examination called life.

As we take on the child’s hand in ours, we take on a destiny, a storehouse of immense potential, eager and ready to be molded. R.P.Sanians blossom through exposure to a broad spectrum of activities so that they find their own niche and metamorphose into well-integrated adults, who are true to themselves and listen to the voice of their inner-self.

As we take on the child’s hand in ours, we take on a destiny, a storehouse of immense potential, eager and ready to be molded. R.P.Sanians blossom through exposure to a broad spectrum of activities so that they find their own niche and metamorphose into well-integrated adults, who are true to themselves and listen to the voice of their inner-self.

An R.P.Sanian looks through the window of life and senses the uneclipsed rhapsody of affection in the snug cradle of love entrusted in the faculty of R.P.S which makes for the saying, R.P.S is the home away from home. Every realm that influences mankind is encompassed in the dream vested in the making of an R.P.Sanian – Be it Performing Arts, Sports or Scholastics, we empower the R.P.Sanians with self-confidence that they develop, the strength to live, enthusiasm to inspire, sympathy to alleviate and the joy of magnanimity A place where the end of the journey is the beginning. Over the period of years, R.P.Sanians have emerged tall among the competitive crowd of today.

The past few years have been the touchstone of our vision for R.P.S. The oyster has nurtured and created the pearly concept of techno-savvy education weaved into a strong moral fiber. The intuitive ingenuity and innovative expertise manifest in edifying educational trips, eclectic competitive events, inspiring night camps, ceremonial echoes, exuberant activities and didactic scholastics have galvanized R.P.Sanians as winners in the dynamic domain of learning.

Our dream is vested in the hope that each R.P.Sanian emerges as an individual distinctive, yet bonded together with the fragrance of R.P.S – the strength of character and purpose.

We walk along the path ahead,

Steadfast, for we know

That R.P.S shall triumph over

Dominions unexplored and miles to go.